Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To be a Mommy

This was a tough-- yet-- easy page to complete. I used the Grow with Love- Kids Edition- Template 10- {{Prompt #1: Remember... did you always?}} which is by Sara Gleason and Crystal Livesay available @ TLP.
When I was a little girl, of course I knew I wanted kits. I wanted 3:: Boy, Girl, Boy! And then, in high school, after having seizures for almost 10 years, I thought that it would be horrible of me to bring a child in this world that could possibly have epilepsy and have to deal with that disease forever, as well. So, at 16 I decided that I would not have kids.
Then, you came along. Miss Rylee Lynn, you’ve changed my life forever! Before you, I was dead set on not having kids, but now I don’t know what I would have done without you! You, and your dad, are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was blessed to have been seizure free all during pregnancy and so far, there have been no signs of seizures in you. I pray that it stays like that forever!

1 comment:

  1. This is fabulous! I just love the heartfelt journaling and the sweet new mommy glow in the photo!! ♥
